I have finally found some time to read (and I mean read, not skim) other posts in the A to Z challenge. There are so many! I have managed to go just through a minuscule fraction of them but I will persist, I promise.

Some of my favourite ones so far (but trust me it is difficult to choose):






All of the above have a theme which I think is the reason that has made them so appealing. I think I might be theming next year too.  As this is my first year, I don’t really know what I am doing. Literally I’m just going from A to Z jumping of random thoughts. On one hand this gives me freedom to do whatever I feel like in the moment but also leaves me without any resemblance of a structure which I think could be quite helpful. Well, I have learned something.

Majority of us are enjoying the last day of a very long weekend so I will leave you to it. Read, rest and have a friendly robot help you with your domestic duties.

R in the A to Z challenge.



4 thoughts on “[R] is for Reading, Rest and Robots

    1. Thank you Silvia. And in regards to the friendly robot, it resides in my imagination and so far, unfortunately, it has not made an appearance in the real world. No wonder my place is a mess 🙂


  1. I totally agree – there is so much to read, and I feel like I’m getting further and further behind in reading all the blogs that I’ve discovered through the challenge! I will check out the blogs that you listed – I’m going to write a similar post listing my favorite new blogs (well, new to me) at the end of the Challenge. 😀


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